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Informazioni sul prodotto

Informazioni sul prodotto 2024

Brochure prodotti


Schede Tecniche Prodotti

Density and Concentration Meter

Density and Concentration Meter DIMF
Density and Concentration Meter DIMF (non Ex)

Dosing Solutions

Dosing Mass Flow Meter FMD
Dosing Oval Wheel Meter Flowal Series OD
MID-MDS-System / MID-PLC / MID-Terminal XV102

Electromagnetic Flowmeter


Oval Wheel Meter

Oval Wheel Meter Flowal Plus OR OF
Oval Wheel Meter Flowal Plus Series OD
Oval Wheel Meter OaP
Oval Wheel Meter OI

Turbine Meter

Turbine Meter RQ

Vortex Meter

Vortex Meter VTX3

Esempi di applicazioni

Measuring system in Skid-mounted system
Mobile filling machine
Mobile measuring system with Control meter

Manuali Operativi

Density Meter

Density Meter DIMF 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 PV
Density Meter DIMF 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 TVS
Density Meter DIMF 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 TVS (Ex-Version)
Density Meter DIMF 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 TVS (non Ex)
Density Meter DIMF Compact

Dosing Solutions

Dosing Mass Flow Meter FMD
Dosing Oval Wheel Meter Flowal Series OD
Dosing System MID MDS
MID-Terminal XV 102

Electromagnetic Flowmeter



Electronic MFE1, MFE2, MFE3

Compact Orifice

Oval Wheel Meter

Dosing Oval Wheel Meter Flowal Series OD
Oval Wheel Meter Flowal Plus OR, OF
Oval Wheel Meter OaP with AG19, 20, 45, E, D, M5
Oval Wheel Meter OaP with UST Ex i
Oval Wheel Meter OaP with USTD, USTX
Oval Wheel Meter OC with Reed
Oval Wheel Meter OI with AG19, 20, 45, E, D, M5
Oval Wheel Meter OI with UST Ex i
Oval Wheel Meter OI with USTD USTX
Oval Wheel Meter OK with M5uVm4
Oval Wheel Meter OP with AG19, 20, 01-08, E, D, M5
Oval Wheel Meter small with AG19, 20, 41, R7

Turbine Meter

Turbine Meter RQ with AG81, 82, 83
Turbine Meter RQ with UST Version Ex i
Turbine Meter RQ with USTD, USTX

Flow Computer

Flow Computer URS 06
Flow Computer URS 09

Vortex Meter

Vortex Meter VTX2 Version Ex d
Vortex Meter VTX2 Version Ex i
Vortex Meter VTX3
Vortex Meter VTX3 Additional Manual Ex-Protection


Centrifugal Gas Separator ZGA
Strainer N, NC

Certificati (SIL, 3A Certificati)

SIL 2 OaP AG19, AG 20
SIL 2 RQ AG81, 82, 83

Direttiva sulle apparecchiature a pressione

Certificate Quality Assurance System Module H Vortex Meter VTX3
EC Type Examination Certificate Module B Coriolis Mass Flow Meter
EC Type Examination Certificate Module B Oval Wheel Meter

EC Type Examination Certificate

Density Meter series DIMF T

Certificato d'esame CE del tipo Aziende straniere

Cylindrical Sensors NC NJ for M5 Clutch switch KS

PTB 00 ATEX 2048 X

Miniature limit switch 8064 Dust for M5-NK switch


Miniature limit switch 8064/2 Gas for M5-NK switch

PTB 02 ATEX 1031 X

Namur Sensor MC MJ for Flowal Version A1

TÜV 01 ATEX 1718

Slot Initiators SJ SC for AG19, AG20 and IG2

PTB 99 ATEX 2219 X

Two-wire proximity switch for Flowal Version A1


Dichiarazione di conformità / Dichiarazione del produttore

Declaration of conformity Compact Orifice
Declaration of conformity Coriolis Mass Flow Meter FMD
Declaration of conformity Density Meter DIMF
Declaration of conformity Density Meter DIMF (not Ex-version)
Declaration of conformity Density Meter DIMF Compact
Declaration of conformity Density Meter EAC Customs Union Russia
Declaration of conformity Density Meter EXI
Declaration of conformity Dosing Meter MID MDS ECO
Declaration of conformity Flow computer ERW 700, UR06, URS06, URS09
Declaration of conformity Modular Dosing System
Declaration of conformity Oval Wheel Meter Flowal
Declaration of conformity Oval Wheel Meter OC
Declaration of conformity Oval Wheel Meter OI, OaP, OK, OP electrical
Declaration of conformity Oval Wheel Meter OI, OaP, OK, OP mechanical
Declaration of conformity SpiraMAG®
Declaration of conformity Strainer
Declaration of conformity Vortex Meter VTX3
Declaration of manufacturer regarding Ex-protection Centrifugal air separator ZGA
Declaration of manufacturer regarding Ex-protection Strainer

MID 2014/32/UE Certificato d'esame UE del tipo (capitolo VII)

DE-07-MI005-PTB024 Measuring system for (un)loading ships, rail tank waggons and tank lorries
DE-07-MI005-PTB024 Measuring system for liquefied gases under pressure
DE-11-MI005-PTB016 Measuring system for (un)loading ships, rail tank waggons and tank lorries
DE-11-MI005-PTB016 Measuring system in pipelines
DE-13-MI005-PTB019 Measuring system for lubricants for the filling of containers


ATEX Certificate Bopp & Reuther
ISO-Certificate 9001:2015
Modul C1 acc. to Pressure Equipment Directive
Modul D acc. to Measuring Instrument Directive
WHG Certificate

PACTware / Software


The basic functions can be used without a license. For the extended range of functions you can request a free license from us:

DTM UST for PACTware

The basic functions can be used without a license. For the extended range of functions you can request a free license from us:

DTM VTX3 for PACTware

The basic functions can be used without a license. For the extended range of functions you can request a free license from us:

PACTware 4.1 SP6 Compact (without help files)

(Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, for DTMs according to FDT1.2 and 1.2.1)
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is required for the print functions and online help

PACTware 4.1 SP6 Full

(Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, for DTMs according to FDT1.2 and 1.2.1)
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is required for the print functions and online help

PACTware 5.05 Compact (without help files)

(Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, for DTMs according to FDT 1.2, FDT 1.2.1 and FDT 2.0)
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is required for the print functions and online help.

PACTware 5.05 Full (incl. PACTware DC)

(Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, for DTMs according to FDT 1.2, FDT 1.2.1 and FDT 2.0)
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is required for the print functions and online help

PACTware Brochure
PACTware History